Oliver Royale Awarded ‘Snail of Approval’ in Knoxville, TN


Maintaining standard, quality, authentic, sustainable food comes with great responsibility. That’s why we are beyond thrilled for Slow Food Tennessee Valley’s Snail of Approval (SOA) Program which recently honored Oliver Royale as a contributor of food that is good, clean and fair.

Our mission is to create locally sourced menus and restaurant concepts that will support our creativity and profound respect for mother nature. Our Snail of Approval and support from our community are pivotal steps towards this mission!

Huge thanks are in order for our Knoxville restaurant peers and vendors who constantly strengthen our socially focused restaurant with seasonal and regional products. We look forward to continuing to be a cornerstone of what is good food in Knoxville along with the other seven approved businesses!

Our Snail of Approval goes beyond Oliver Royale, though. This is for you, Knoxville! Let’s continue to celebrate our tremendous and unique community together!

Thank you all so much!


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